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What Is This Blog About?

Many people asked me, "What is your blog going to be about? Travel?" My answer is simple:


Everything is a challenge everythng is a goal, everything is an adventure.

Many things contribute to my daily struggles and decisions. For one. I have sarcoidosis (Click the word to read more. This auto-inflammatory disease can stop me from doing anything at any moment. Literally, I was not able to walk at one point. I deal with pain everyday. Some days, getting out of bed is a challenge for me. Indescion... most of us deal with that everyday. Should I or shouldn't I? Will I or won't I? Ti be or not to be and all tht stuff. This blog is about overcoming many things in my life.

This blog is about reaching goals.

This blog is about stepping outside of my comfort zone.

This blog is about me excepting me for who I am.

This blog is about me traveling solo?

Mainly...This blog is about finding a way to enjoy everyday that is given to us. I have wasted way to many of those days. It was ten years ago when I first became ill. I was so focused on the illness, that ten years just past. I am not saying I didn't do anything but I didn't enjoy them as I should have.

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